Is artificial intelligence the demise or the answer to providing visibility to the work of women and marginalized audiovisual creators?
This panel wishes to discuss the opportunities and the risks behind the algorithms targeting audiences and shaping content distribution on streaming platforms and the internet. Co-curated by SWAN and GIFF – Geneva International Film Festival and presented in collaboration with swissnex San Francisco, it aims to confront perspectives and experiences on the nature of the relationship AI maintains with equality, diversity and justice in a creative sector, tentatively answering the following question: can AI bridge the gender gap and how?
Moderator: Maike Thies (Research fellow in ZHdK – Zürcher Hochscule der Künste)
Speakers: Lauren Huret (Artist), Ladan Pooyan-Weihs (Lecturer and Diversity Officer at the Department of Information Technology of Hochschule Luzern für Design und Kunst), Emilia Roig (Founder and Executive Director of Center for Intersectional Justice)
This livestreamed event is organized in the scope of the Geneva Digital Market, the industry program of GIFF – Geneva International Film Festival.
SWAN would like to thank its partners GIFF, swissnex San Francisco and SIG without whom nothing could have been possible.
This event was supported by The Federal Office for Gender Equality, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, ARF/FDS, Suissimage, SWISSPERFORM, SSA, ssfv and Stiftung für Erforschung der Frauenarbeit.