
Match-making event

25 Gennaio 2021 10h00 – 15h00, Online

For the past 5 years, SWAN has been working to bring gender equality in the Swiss audiovisual industry. Those efforts, combined with the raising of awareness of the whole industry have seen women gradually gaining ground in creative positions, such as directing, producing and writing. However, technical positions still constitute a difficult terrain for women.

This is why, in partnership with Solothurn Film Festival, SWAN has organized an online networking event “Women in Cinematography”, between selected participants (female cinematographers) and advisors (established directors, producers and technicians from all around Switzerland).

By doing this, on one hand, the participants will be able to introduce their work (visibility!) and the goals in their careers. At the same time, the advisors will get to meet new professionals for potential future hirings and exchange professional information and tips.

Women in Cinematography

These one-to-one curated introductory meetings took place online via Zoom, on January 25, 2021. They were envisioned as casual but efficient conversations of 20 minutes each. Around 6 meetings were scheduled for each participant. After a general introduction, the participants and advisors will be redirected to breakout rooms in order to resume their individual chats.

10 SWAN members were selected. They are talented women in the first steps of their careers, who wish to connect with key professionals in order to network and to better position themselves in the industry landscape.

Advisors: Séverine Barde, Christine Munz, Michela Pini, Stéphanie Chuat, Véronique Reymond, Sabine Boss, Stina Werenfels, Flavia Zanon Rabaeus, Ivan Madeo, Elena Pedrazzoli and Carlotta Holy

Participants: Gabriela Betschart, Xenia Patricia, Biby Jacob, Nathalie Kamber, Meret Madörin, Valentina Provini, Yawen Schindhelm-Yeo, Natascha Vavrina, Christina Welter and Kathrin Woodtli.



SWAN would like to thank its partner Solothurn Film Festival as well as SWAN Executive Committee members and Commission members for their work and commitment.

This event has been made possible with the support of Federal Office for Gender Equality, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Suissimage, SWISSPERFORM, SSA, SSFV and Stiftung für Erforschung der Frauenarbeit.