
Archives 2019


Young women are making films - New talents in conversation w/Balimage

Political, satirical, playful or sensitive - young Swiss women make their films fearless and uncompromising.


How to achieve gender equality in filmmaking?

On November 8, 2019, SWAN organized the workshop «How to achieve gender equality in filmmaking» during the Industry Lab at Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur, in partnership with the festival


The gender gap in film criticism

SWAN was excited to partner again with Zurich Film Festival and for the first time with SVFJ - ASJC - ASGC to host a panel on film criticism


Building Diversity and inclusion in the film industry @Gässli Film Festival

In line with this year's focus on “Diversity” and in view of the currently explosive topic, we are presenting a panel in partnership with Gässli Film Festival & SWAN (Swiss Women's Audiovisual Network).


Beyond #metoo

SWAN teamed up with ARF/FDS to organize a roundtable on the aftermath of the #metoo movement


Where are the Women? Gender equality in Swiss film productions

Where are the women apart from costume and script? Why does it matter? Are gender equal film sets different? Is your production gender equal? Do you have a diverse crew?


Women's place in the heritage of the film industry @Rencontres du 7ème Art

SWAN was invited to take part in and help put together a special panel organised by the Festival on March 8th in front of a panel of ECAL students.


SWAN @Solothurn Film Festival 2019

On January 30, 2019, SWAN and Solothurn Film Festival signed the pledge for parity and diversity. This event was followed by a party at the Night of Nominations