On December 4, 2021, Human Rights Film Festival Zurich will host the screening of Alison Kuhn's "The Case You", a documentary centered on sexualised violence in the film industry. The projection will be followed by a panel discussion on the topic.
We are happy to announce the first talk of our series SWAN Talks: Introduction to the Development of Impact Campaigns. Ana Castañosa, producer and project manager of FIFDH Impact Days, will speak about the basics of impact distribution and the opportunities at the Impact Days.
Case study presented by Anne-Sophie Versnaeyen, a French film music composer and songwriter based in Paris, in cooperation with WIFT and AWFC.
SoundTrack_Zurich has selected a series of experienced professionals (mainly female directors, music supervisors, publishers and producers) who are interested in meeting female composers and sound designers in order to exchange knowledge, to give advice, or just to expand their network.
Welcome words by Ivana Kvesic (SWAN) and Cornelia Köhler (WIFT) with a live-interview with music supervisor Milena Fessmann, hosted by composer Mirjam Skal in cooperation with WIFT and AWFC.
Although sex scenes on set have become routine, they continue to be a major challenge for actors, directors and the film crew. So far, there have not been any guidelines for a safe context that helps actors deal with intimacy and nudity.
Réservez la date de l'assemblée générale annuelle de SWAN ! Nous sommes impatientes de partager avec vous toutes les informations sur les activités de SWAN cette année. Des nouvelles importantes seront annoncées. Nous espérons que vous pourrez y assister en personne ou au moins via Zoom !
Venez rencontrer et vous mêler aux membres et ami-e-s-x de SWAN lors de notre petit-déjeuner annuel de réseautage à Locarno au Sport Café - dans le respect des mesures COVID, bien sûr ! Prenez un verre et une brioche, réseautez et écoutez les invité-e-s de SWAN parler de StepIn 2021 - le groupe de réflexion interdisciplinaire et international de Locarno Pro, découvrez les dernières données sur l'égalité des sexes dans l'industrie cinématographique suisse et célébrez le 50e anniversaire du droit de vote des femmes en Suisse avec Filmstern für diCH !
Panel discussion at the 56th edition of the Solothurn Film Festival, as part of the exhibition Women.Rights at the National Museum Zurich, moderated by Solothurn Film Festival director Anita Hugi and Landesmuseum Zurich director Denise Tonella, featuring directors Anka Schmid and Marianne Pletscher, historian Elisabeth Joris, and film director and SWAN co-president Gabriel Baur.