Stéphane Mitchell, SWAN Co-President, presented the results of the 1st SWAN Gender Studies authored by Marie-Eve Musy & Stéphane Mitchell, on the Gender Disparities in RTS TV series at all levels of crew and cast, during the past 10 years.
SWAN organized an international panel on producing and co-producing against stereotypes as well as a networking and party event on the ZFF Boat
SWAN is extremely proud to have partnered with the Zurich Film Festival and the Zurich Summit to debate in front a an international audience of Industry Key Players on ways to address and combat stereotypes as producers & coproducers.
In August 2018, SWAN organized its third networking breakfast at the Locarno Film Festival and it was unforgettable
SWAN partnered with SWISS FILMS to host a Women and Hollywood networking event in Cannes.