Before 2015, there was no systematic wide ranged studies to collect data on gender in the Swiss audiovisual sector at the national and regional levels. Without facts and figures to bring to policymakers, institutions, associations, industry professionals as well as to women* themselves, it is very hard to make a strong case for change. Addressing this lack of documentation, interpreting data that has been collected and pulling out the relevant figures are all key to assess the barriers and opportunities for women* at all levels of the Swiss audiovisual industry.
Since 2016, national and regional studies are now collecting a lot of gendered data on different sector of the industry, yet there are still some unexplored areas that deserve attention.
We looked at the numbers regarding equality and diversity in the executive boards of meaningful players in the Swiss audiovisual industry; organisations and associations which also receive the support of the Swiss government.
In 2019, there was:
30 %
of women in the executive board of ARF/FDS.
33 %
of women in the executive board of Suissimage
34 %
of women in the executive board of Swiss Cinema Academy.
“Every person is equal before the law. No person may be discriminated against, in particular on grounds of origin, race, gender, age, language, social position, way of life, religious, ideological, or political convictions, or because of a physical, mental or psychological disability.
Men and women have equal rights. The law shall ensure their equality, both in law and in practice, most particularly in the family, in education, and in the workplace. Men and women have the right to equal pay for work of equal value.”
“This Act has the aim of furthering true equality between women and men.”