The Festival Cinéma Jeune Public is about to sign the pledge for parity and inclusion in cinema festivals for new commitments for equality and diversity in the industry.
By this written agreement, the governing bodies of the festival are committing to compile statistics of the sex and gender of the executive board members, programmers, selection committee members and directors of all the films submitted, and to communicate these numbers every year.
The signing ceremony will take place publicly, during the Kids Film Forum on November 22, 2024 from 16:45 to 17:15 at Pyxis, in the presence of the co-signatories: Festival Cinéma Jeune Public’s general and artistic directors Delphine Jeanneret and Cécilia Bovet, Journées du cinéma jeune public de Lausanne’s president Gisèle Comte, director, author, journalist, pledge NWAR – Now We Are Rising founder and pledge godmother Rachel M’Bon, alongside SWAN’s executive committee members Delphine Luchetta and Lucie Emch.